Key Figures of the Group

20191 2020 20212 20223 2023
Sales  € million 3,408 3,520 3,826 4,618 4,730
EBITDA  € million 701 742 814 922 9035
EBITDA margin in % 20.6 21.1 21.3 20.0 19.15
EBIT  € million 472 488 559 630 6115
EBIT margin in % 13.8 13.8 14.6 13.6 12.95
Net income  € million 296 307 375 406 340
Balance sheet total (as of December 31)  € million 5,953 5,940 6,673 7,783 7,846
Capital ratio (as of December 31) in % 41.3 39.8 48.7 46.4 47.0
Investments (without M & A)  € million 182 159 174 270 270
Net debt (incl. pension provisions and similar obligations (as of December 31))  € million 2,222 2,029 1,964 2,692 2,666
Research and development expenses  € million 213 212 221 254 266
Operating cash flow  € million 547 636 522 360 720
Capital Market
Shares issued as of balance sheet date millions 135.4 135.4 139.8 139.8 139.8
Share price at end of fiscal year (Xetra® closing price) in € 93.80 108.40 130.30 101.70 99.64
Market capitalization at end of fiscal year  € million 12,703 14,680 18,212 14,208 13,927
Earnings per share in € 2.20 2.27 2.74 2.91 2.44
Dividend per share in € 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.05 1.104
Figures normalized for transaction and integration costs as well as one-off valuation effects related to business combinations and restated due to finalization of purchase price allocation for ADF/IDF
Figures adjusted for the final purchase price allocation for Giraffe Foods
Excluding impairment of the associated company Swedencare
Adjusted for one-time effects
Our five goal dimensions 2021 2022 2023 Goal 2025
Organic sales growth in % 9.6 11.4 7.9 5.0 –7.0 (CAGR)7
EBITDA margin1 in % 21.3 20.0 19.1 20.0–23.0
Footprint (environment)
Improvement in eco-efficiency of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2)2 in % 11.3 10.4 4.4 6.6 p.a.
Reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) in % 4.0 6.6 2.4 3.0 p.a.
Improvement in eco-efficiency of chemical oxygen demand in wastewater2 in % 34.8 11.2 10.7 4.0 p.a.
Improvement in eco-efficiency of hazardous waste2 in % 2.2 3.8 –6.3 4.0 p.a.
Water use3 in % 7.2 –4.3 –30.9 –3.0 p.a.
Sales with new product developments4 in % 16.7 15.1 15.0 > 15.0
Suppliers rated according to sustainability criteria in % 735 875 1008 100
Sustainable sourcing of strategic biological raw materials in % 84 88 95 100
Care (employees)
Women in the first management level in % 20.0 16.0 13.5 30.0
Women in the second management level in % 38.0 37.0 37.9 45.0
Accident frequency MAQ 3.86 2.86 2.3 < 1.5
2022 excluding impairment of the associated company Swedencare;
2023 adjusted for one-time effects
All figures relative to the value added
At production sites in regions with water stress (= Egypt, India, Mexico, Spain, Chile)
Relative to market launch in the past three years
Based on 80 % (until 2021) or 90 % (from 2022) of the procurement volume
MAQ = work accidents (> 1 lost day) x 1 million/working hours;
industry-leading occupational safety as of 2025
CAGR: compound annual growth rate
Based on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), all suppliers were subjected to a risk assessment

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