CDP: Among the top 14 in the world
Fighting climate change, protecting the water supply and conserving forests – every year, the renowned non-profit organization CDP assesses which companies have been especially active in these three categories. In 2021, Symrise achieved the highest award of A for the second time in all three categories – climate, water and forest. This makes us one of the top fourteen participating companies and the only one from Germany on what is known as the triple A list.
MSCI: A rating since 2015
The US-based company MSCI is a leading sustainability rating agency and provider of highly respected sustainability share indices. Since 2015, MSCI has ranked Symrise in the A category, which attests to its above-average sustainability performance. In its analysis, MSCI highlights that Symrise has an impressive strategy to minimize the effects of its operating activities on the environment.ISS ESG: Prime
In its regular review of the sustainability performance of Symrise, the internationally leading rating agency ISS ESG confirmed our company’s prime status. In the scope of our last valuation, Symrise was among the top 10 % of companies in its sector. The ESG rating from ISS – E for environmental, S for social, G for governance – covers nearly 10,000 companies globally, the majority of which are listed.
EcoVadis: Platinum status 2021
Following seven gold medals, the rating agency EcoVadis awarded Symrise platinum status for the first time in 2021 for its proven sustainability performance. With a score of 75 /100, Symrise is in the top 1 % of companies rated by EcoVadis. EcoVadis assesses companies worldwide in the four areas of environment, social aspects, ethics and sustainability in the supply chain. In addition, we use the EcoVadis databank to evaluate the sustainability performance of our suppliers. In line with our Responsible Sourcing Policy, we challenge our business partners who have been placed in the “Bronze” category by EcoVadis to strive for Gold status. If a supplier receives a classification below the Bronze category, this could lead to termination of the business relationship.
SUSTAINALYTICS continuously analyzes and evaluates companies’ risks in the areas of ESG. A number of financial service providers and institutional investors across Europe use the services of the agency as a basis for decisions related to investment and credit. Symrise was last rated in 2020: The risk score of Symrise ranked 20th out of 133 in the chemical industry at the time of valuation.
FTSE4Good Index
The Symrise share has been included in the FTSE4Good index since the end of 2015. This index comprises the securities of companies that achieve outstanding results in the areas of the environment, social aspects and corporate governance (ESG). At the regular audit in June 2020, Symrise received very good ratings in all categories and has been included in the index for another year. More and more institutional investors, banks and insurance companies are including sustainability criteria in their assessment of the creditworthiness of companies.
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