
Key Figures of the Group

2018 20191 2020 20212 20223
Sales€ million 3,154 3,408 3,520 3,826 4,618
EBITDA€ million 631 701 742 814 922
EBITDA marginin % 20.0 20.6 21.1 21.3 20.0
EBIT€ million 434 472 488 559 630
EBIT marginin % 13.8 13.8 13.8 14.6 13.6
Net income€ million 275 296 307 375 406
Balance sheet total (as of December 31)€ million 4,920 5,953 5,940 6,673 7,783
Capital ratio (as of December 31)in % 39.5 41.3 39.8 48.7 46.4
Investments (without M & A)€ million 226 182 159 174 270
Net debt (incl. pension provisions and similar obligations (as of December 31)) € million 1,893 2,222 2,029 1,964 2,692
Research and development expenses€ million 200 213 212 221 254
Operating cash flow€ million 442 547 636 522 360
Capital Market
Shares issued as of balance sheet datemillions 129.8 135.4 135.4 139.8 139.8
Share price at end of fiscal year (Xetra® ® closing price)in € 64.50 93.80 108.40 130.30 101.7
Market capitalization at end of fiscal year€ million 8,373 12,703 14,680 18,212 14,208
Earnings per sharein € 2.12 2.20 2.27 2.74 2.91
Dividend per sharein € 0.90 0.95 0.97 1.02 1.054
Figures normalized for transaction and integration costs as well as one-off valuation effects related to business combinations and restated due to finalization of purchase price allocation for ADF/IDF
Figures adjusted for the final purchase price allocation for Giraffe Foods
Excluding impairment of the associated company Swedencare
Our five goal dimensions 2020 2021 2022 Goal 2025
Organic sales growthinin % 2.7 9.6 11.4 5–7 (CAGR)7
EBITDA margin1in % 21.1 21.3 20.0 20–23
Footprint (environment)
Eco-efficiency of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2)2in % 13.0 11.3 10.4 6.6 p.a.
Absolute greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)in % 4.0 6.6 3.0 p.a.
Eco-efficiency of chemical oxygen demand in wastewater2in % –22.6 34.8 11.2 4.0 p.a.
Eco-efficiency of sensitive waste2in % 19.8 2.2 3.8 4.0 p.a.
Water consumption3in % –3.1 7.2 –4.3 –3.0 p.a.
Sales with new product developments4in % 15.4 16.7 15.1 > 15.0
Suppliers rated according to sustainability criteria5in % 67 73 87 100
Sustainable sourcing of strategic biological raw materialsin % 72 84 88 100
Care (employees)
Women in the first management levelin % 28 20 16 30
Women in the second management levelin % 42 38 37 45
Accident frequencyMAQ6 3.0 3.8 2.8 < 1.5
2022 Excluding impairment of the associated company Swedencare
All figures relative to the value added
At production sites in regions with water stress (= Egypt, India, Mexico, Spain, Chile)
Relative to market launch in the past three years
Based on 80 % (until 2021) or 90 % (from 2022) of the procurement volume
MAQ = work accidents (> 1 lost day) x 1 million/working hours; industry-leading occupational safety as of 2025
CAGR: compound annual growth rate

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